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LEAP Study 101 (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy)

Our co-founder Dr. Gideon Lack led the research behind the new peanut allergy prevention guidelines!

Watch this video to learn more about Dr. Lack's groundbreaking clinical trial that found most peanut allergies could be prevented by starting peanut foods in infancy. You'll also find a quick "cliff notes" version of Dr. Lack's LEAP Study below. We hope it's helpful!

Leap Study

  • Published in 2015, the Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) study, led by our co-founder Dr. Gideon Lack, has changed feeding guidelines around the globe to encourage early introduction of peanut foods to infants, depending on risk factors.

  • The LEAP study was inspired by Dr. Lack's observation that, peanut allergy was ten times more common among children in the UK, where peanut introduction was delayed (like the US), compared to Israel, where peanut-based puffs are a popular baby snack.

  • The LEAP Study took 640 babies at high-risk for developing a peanut allergy because they already had severe eczema, egg allergy or both.

  • Starting between 4-11 months, babies in the LEAP study were split into two groups. One group avoided peanut foods, while the other group was given age-appropriate peanut foods several times a week until age 5. By age 5, the rate of peanut allergy among children who had avoided peanuts was 5 times higher than the children who had consumed peanuts regularly since infancy.

We developed our Proactive Peanut Puffs with Dr. Lack to make it deliciously simple to follow the new guidelines for starting peanut foods in infancy.