5 Easy (and Fun!) Ways to Get Almonds into Your Baby's Diet!

Almonds are an excellent source of fiber, plant-based protein, and heart-healthy fats. The nut offers important vitamins and minerals to help your baby's growth and development, including calcium for strong bones, zinc for healthy growth, vitamin E for antioxidant support, and iron to help move oxygen through the body.
Almonds are also a common allergen - part of the tree nut allergy family. Pediatric guidelines recommend getting common allergens in babies' diets early and often to make sure our little ones don't develop food allergy sensitivities. Easier said than done with almonds, right? Getting almonds into little diets can be a real challenge, since the nut itself is a choking hazard for babies. It doesn't have to be, though! We put together a few super simple ways to incorporate the mighty almond into your little one's meals.
(hint, hint, the simplest is with our Proactive Nut Butter Puffs 😉)

Oatmeal is fun to eat, and even more fun to eat with your fingers!
What you'll need:
Quick Oats
Creamy Almond Butter
Mix a teaspoon of almond butter in with warm oatmeal, thinned with your milk of choice.
Optional mix-ins:
• half a banana, smashed
• a dash of cinnamon
• smashed berries (blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries)
• coconut flakes
• sautéed apples
• Nut Butter Puffs

Pancakes are a light and fluffy way to add almonds into your little one's diet. Make a batch, and refrigerate extras for an easy option to reheat!
What you'll need:
2 cups pancake mix
1 cup milk
1/2 cup creamy almond butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1. Heat nonstick griddle or skillet over medium-high heat. In a medium bowl, beat pancake mix, milk, almond butter, sugar, and eggs with a whisk until well mixed. If batter seems too thick, add an additional 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk.
2. Pour 1/4 cup batter onto a hot griddle. Cook 1-2 minutes or until edges are dry, and bubbles being to form on top.
3. Flip the pancake, cook the other side until golden brown.
4. Top pancakes with slices of banana, fresh berries, or let them dip in syrup.

What little one doesn't love a fruit smoothie!?
What you'll need:
handful of their favorite berries
half a banana
handful of almonds
handful of spinach
1/4 cup milk of choice
1. Grind almonds into a powder using a food processor, or powerful blender.
2. Add berries, banana, spinach, milk, and 1tsp of almond powder into a blender, and mix. Add water as needed for desired thickness.

Greek Yogurt
A tart and tangy option, sure to make your babe's lips pucker, and taste buds tingle!
What you'll need:
Greek Yogurt
Creamy Almond Butter
Nut Butter Puffs
1. Mix Greek Yogurt in a bowl with a tsp of almond butter
2. Sprinkle Nut Butter Puffs on top, to help with texture integration!
2. Let babe use half a banana as a delicious spoon.